2019 Artist in Residence at Los Angeles Clean Technology Incubator


The 2019 resident artists:
Brittany Ransom
Elana Mann
Beatriz H Jaramillo

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1 Brittany Ransom
Brittany Ransom is an artist and educator who’s practice engages digital fabrication, kinetics and electronics to probe the lines between human, animal, and environmental relations. Her practice explores paradoxical bonds between human, urban and natural ecologies, the inhabitants of said spaces, and the co-evolution between the shifting digital innovations and our human selves. @brittransom_studio 
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2 Elana Mann
Through sculpture, performance, sound, and social engagement, Elana Mann creates artwork that brings a greater consciousness to the listening and speaking we practice in everyday life, with the goal of building equanimity in ourselves and increasing equity in our world. @elanamamma 
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3 Beatriz Jaramillo
Beatriz Jaramillo’s work addresses the landscape as as metaphor and modality, highlighting tensions produced by the artificial separation between nature and culture. In Broken Ice, she explores the relationship between global warming and the melting of ice on the polar caps. @beatrizhjaramillo\
