The People's Microphony Camerata

(Both of these calls have past, they are not ongoing)
The People’s Microphony Camerata (PMC) seeks participants for an experimental choir exploring the emergent phenomena of the People’s Michrophone (Mic) and ideas of radical receptivity through sound, voice, and the body. If you know how to sigh, grumble and laugh, then you have an expressive voice and something to contribute.
Rehearsals will begin with exercises and improvisations to build vocal agility and develop our expressive vocabulary as a group. Each meeting will unveil a new piece, written specifically for our group by composers, artists, poets, and activists both local and international who were inspired by the People’s Mic. The most successful of these pieces we will premiere and record for special performance broadcast on April 20th.
Participants must commit to attending each rehearsal, recording session and final presentations. Rehearsals will take place on: April 13 7-9pm, 14 10am-4pm, 15 10am-1pm rehearsal, 2pm recording. After this intensive session, the choir will go on to plan other performance opportunities, including a May Day Michrophony.
All voices are welcome; no auditions.
Reconnect with your voice, expand your sonic awareness, experience community in Los Angeles and lend your voice to an international project of expressive liberation!
Interested in joining? Please email:
Call for Compositions/Scores/Directions/Music
Calling out to artists, musicians and writers of all kinds: The People’s Microphony Camerata (PMC), based in Los Angeles, CA, is seeking pieces that explore the human microphone technology developed by the Occupy movement. Beyond projecting an individual’s voice further than it can resonate on its own, The People’s Mic has implications for all of the bodies in its vicinity. It energizes listeners in ways the microphone or megaphone cannot by making listening active, vocal, and embodied.
We encourage you to consider these and other questions as you write: What are the implications—personal and social—of repeating someone else’s utterance out loud? How does the act of repetition through different and multiple bodies affect meaning? What happens when vocal sounds outside of language are introduced? Where are the sonic, architectural, dramatic and social limits of the People’s Mic?
All media are welcome. Scores can relate more or less to music, theater, performativity, space, context, and/or visual elements, etc., but must involve multiple voices. Non-traditional graphic or text-based scores preferred. Selected pieces will be performed at public occupation-concerts and all submissions will be available through the web and an eventual publication. Email questions and/or submissions to:
About the PMC:
The People’s Microphony Camerata (PMC), was founded in 2012 by ARLA collective members Elana Mann and Juliana Snapper inspired by the Occupy Movement. For more information about ARLA visit: