Grand Rounds took place in Grand Park, the center of a municipal building complex in downtown Los Angeles. The artwork was a experiment in public pedagogy for/with individuals who work for the city, county, and court systems of Los Angeles.
During the project, public administrators participated in lunch-time dialogs about instances of vitality in their work promoting the well-being of Los Angeles City and County. These conversations, co-organized with Camilo Cruz, were inspired by a teaching and learning ritual of the medical field called “Grand Rounds," which allows physicians to share new treatments of disease. Over the course of four lunches, which all took place on a hand-painted oversized picnic blanket, participants shared current discoveries, strategies, and methodologies in the healthy administration of the region’s government. These conversations were open to the general public.
Nine listening sculptures inspired by these public conversations were installed in the park during the following month, allowing for a different sort of access to the dialogs. They each played sound artworks by Kimberly Kim.
Grand Rounds was curated by Elizabeth Cline and commissioned by Machine Project and the Music Center as part of the Machine Project Field Guide to Grand Park. Thank You For Coming provided the meals.